Staying cool this Summer

Staying cool this Summer

Staying cool this Summer

With global temperatures on the rise by 2-3 degrees, we discuss how to keep ourselves and our earth cool with linen and organic cotton clothing designed ethically


With temperatures soaring all over the world and a 3 degree increase on average of the maximum temperature, it’s time to look at what we can do to stay cool this summer, as well as ways we can contribute to reversing the global climate change.

Horses sweat, men perspire, women only glow! 


How we wish that were true! In the real world when battling with a busy day in the heat, we could all do with some tips on staying cool. Try a few of our cooling tips to get you through this summer


Stay Hydrated! Water is the elixir of life and in the heat of summer, we lose a lot of water without often realising. Make sure you sip water or a nice, chilled drink every few hours to replenish what you lose


Wear Cool Fabrics: Put away the synthetics and let natural fabrics like Organic Cotton and Linen be the pick for the day. Natural fabrics will absorb moisture allow the body to regulate its temperature, keeping you cooler all day

Wear loose light weight clothing: Wearing loose tunics and tops will help air movement on your body, keeping you naturally cool. This would make fans and air-conditioners even more effective. Tighter clothes restrict air flow in the summer and make you feel warmer

Dip your feet in cold water! The soles of the feet are the repertoire of all nerve ending, how your feet are feeling will affect the rest of you. Wear open sandals to air your feet and when you get warm, give them a dip in cold water! 

Avoid stepping out between 11am-2pm:  The sun is at its hottest between these timings, its best to avoid stepping out and to stay indoors

Keep pooches safe: Remember dogs get even warmer with their constant fur coats, do not walk them till the sun goes down, keep them hydrated and indoors in the summer months. A cube of ice in their water will help too

Use a cold towel: When being out and about is inevitable in the heat, keep a towel to chill in the refrigerator, and  then carry it with you and use it at the back of your neck, or the insides of your elbows


Our B77 Organic Linen range is designed to keep you cool this summer so do have a browse or click any of our bestsellers below and breeze your way through a warm day!

While keeping ourselves cool is extremely important, it is as important that we start considering how to reduce the overall global temperatures.

An old India adage says, “Every drop contributes towards the sea and that is the basis in essence of every big change in the world, little steps that we can take in our everyday life will help collectively make an impact to the earth. 

Top Tips to combat climate change in everyday life:

  1. Carry a reusable bottle for water: Sunny days call for being always hydrated, especially for students spending their days active and outdoors, sports people and pretty much everyone who needs to commute to work. Avoid buying single use plastic bottles that are amongst the largest contributors to the global plastic waste. Carry a reusable metal bottle and re-fill it frequently

  2. Replace plastic in the kitchen with glass and steel: Our ancestors knew best; Glass and Steel utensils are not just more environmentally friendly but are also more hygienic than plastic. They do not retain smells and bacteria and have no shelf life – Plastic containers need to be replaced every 3-5 years. Go back to basics and use Glass and Steel! 

  3. Carry a shopping bag: Make sure you always have a fold-up reusable bag with you, in the car or in your handbag. Avoid using plastic bags or even the bio-degradable ones, they all contribute to landfill as they all take many years to compost

  4. Compost food waste: Ensure all food scraps are composted and not thrown in plastic bin bags, check with your local authority for composting or create your own little compost bin in the garden or balcony. Check composting for flats here

  5. Reuse, Recycle and Reduce: Fashion doesn’t need to be fast, invest in good quality timeless styled garments that can be worn more than once. Simple white tops, beige linen pants and eco-denim dresses will never go out of style.  Pass them on when you’re done and contribute to a circular fashion economy.  At B77, this is our biggest belief so even our packaging is re-usable as a lovely memento box!

Let’s make a difference together, Join the B77 revolution. Comment below to tell us your own tips for summer or email


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